Tuesday 15 March 2011

Random on a Tuesday

The last few weeks have been hectic with no sign of letting up. I have a lot of work to do before we are off for a week in the Lakes. Its very stressful but the thought of spending my days here with my lovely husband is getting me through.

We are staying at this amazing house on Lake Windermere. I can't wait.

On a different note, I like this tea towel from Caravan a gorgeous shop in Shoreditch. Not my usual style but rather lovely I say.

This weekend we made the short drive to Clandon House for look around and have a break from work. The house is in the Palladian style and whilst not one of my favourite NT houses, the marble entrance hall is beautiful.The short break from work turned into a long lunch and silliness .


  1. Oh wow! The house on Lake Windemere looks beautiful. I hope you enjoy it there.
